Welcome to the Kronhus Theatre
Gothenburgs new summerstage – in the centre of the city!

Laugh fest with music and singing:

SOL OCH VÅRAREN (the Confidence Trickster)

An exhilarating comedy with a mishmash of fatal attractions, passionate love and shameful tricks.

The Jester Performance: TOO YOUNG TO BE KING?

A playful adventure about the desire to simply be a child, to follow your own path and your inner voice.

Recommended from 5 years and up.

Upcoming shows:

Information only in Swedish. Please use the menu to read about the different performances.

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Sneak a peek behind the scenes!

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YnNyVc1T1nQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Our greatest thanks to Opera Estrad!

Opera Estrad started the season of 2016 on Kronhusteatern in a splendid way. This was done with an exciting show where hearing opera singers and deaf actors together has portrayed William Walton’s The Bear.

We wish Opera Estrad all the best on their journey ahead!

Thomas Sonefors, Niklas Älgen Andersson, Rebecca Drammeh

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